03 - Untyped Arithmatic Expressions


t ::=
	true  # constant true
	false  # constant false
	if t then t else t  # conditional
	0  # constant 0
	succ t  # successor
	pred t  # predecessor
	iszero t  # zero test

Notice that the syntax of terms permits the formation of some dubious- looking terms like succ true and if 0 then 0 else 0. We shall have more to say about such terms later—indeed, in a sense they are precisely what makes this tiny language interesting for our purposes, since they are examples of the sorts of nonsensical programs we will want a type system to exclude.

(3.2.1) Definition [Terms, inductively]: The set of terms is the smallest set T such that

  1. {true, false, 0} ⊆ T ;
  2. ift1 ∈T,then{succt1,predt1,iszerot1}⊆T;
  3. ift1 ∈T,t2 ∈T,andt3 ∈T,thenift1 thent2 elset3 ∈T.

(3.2.4) How many elements does $S_3$​ have?

Permutations and combinations (Algebra 2, Discrete mathematics and probability) – Mathplanet

Permutations Calculator nPr

Things I could have gotten wrong:

  • permutations vs combinations - I don't think I did. Order matters for this, if true then 0 else false is not the same as if false then true else 0 etc.
  • I could be double-counting the initial set...

$$ \begin{flalign} |S_0| &= 0 && S_0 = {\empty}\ |S_1| &= 3 && S_1 = {true, false, 0}\ |S_2| &= 3 && {true, false, 0}\ &+ P(|S_1|, 1) * 3 && \text{3 options for all in the set}\ &+ P(|S_1|, 3) * 1\ &= 3 + P(3,1)*3 + P(3,3)*1\ &= 3 + 9 + 6 = 18\ |S_3| &= 3 + P(|S_2|,1)*3 + P(|S_2|,3) * 1\ &= 3 + P(18,1)*3 + P(18,3)*1\ &= 3 + 54 + 4896 = 4953

\end{flalign} $$

Um, their solution is far different...

Ok, the issue was that my permutations didn't consider replacement into the set. i.e., doesn't allow something like if 0 then 0 else 0. That's even easier to compute - it's $|S_i|^n$.

then, the solution makes more sense. $$ |S_{i}| = 3 + |S_{i-1}|3 + |S_{i-1}|^31 $$ Let's move on.

(3.2.5) Exercise [««]: Show that the sets Si are cumulative—that is, that for each i

we have Si ⊆ Si+1.

Induction refresher

